- ONE-STOP-SHOP for Water, Wastewater and Energy Utilities through Brownsville Public Utilities Board (BPUB)
- Only city owned electricity utility south of San Antonio
- The Brownsville Public Utilities Board (BPUB), that provides competitive commercial rates for electrical, water, and industrial wastewater. Its Key Accounts Division focuses on the needs of local manufacturers, around the clock and 7 days a week.
City/County Incentives
- Job Creation Incentive Fund
- Job Training Incentive Fund
- Chapter 380, and Chapter 381 Economic
Development Programs. - Triple Freeport Exemption
- Expedited building permit approvals for new construction of manufacturing building(s) and personalized guidance through the permitting process from the beginning through the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy.
- Incentives are tailored to company needs and subject to approval by the GBIC Board of
- GBIC will also be the liaison between other organizations, City of Brownsville, CameronCounty, , for all other incentives requests.
State of Texas/Federal Incentives
Skills Development Funds are grants that are provided to help companies form partnerships with local community colleges and technical schools to provide custom job training.
The Texas Enterprise Fund (TEF) awards “deal-closing” grants to companies considering a new project for which one Texas site competes with other out-of-state sites. The fund serves as a performance-based financial incentive for those companies whose projects would contribute significant capital investment and new employment opportunities to the state’s economy.
The Texas Enterprise Zone Program (EZP) is a state sales and use tax refund program designedto encourage private investment and job creation in economically distressed areas of the state of Texas.
Recruit Texas is a program that works thru public community or technical colleges, or the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service can provide intensive and rapid response to, and support services for, employers expanding in or relocating operations to Texas. These employers must provide complex or high-skilled employment opportunities. Program parameters include:
- Developing customized workforce training programs
- Fast-track curriculum development
- Workforce training-related support services for employers
- Instructor certification necessary to provide workforce training
- Acquiring training equipment necessary for instructor certification and employment
GBIC Incentives Application
To download application, click on link below.
Foreign Trade Zone
Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) No. 62 consistently ranks in the top three U.S. FTZs for exports. The Port ofBrownsville is the grantee for Foreign Trade Zone No. 62, one of the largest in the U.S. and largest in Texas.It allows for products to be shipped into a designated place for value added purposes and duty free.
Infrastructure & Mobility
- Rail siding capable
- There is a Class A rail main line that runs along the Union Pacific is the operator withBNSF rights and international access through Kansas City Southern de Mexico.
- Commercial Airport
- Located in the southernmost part of Texas with quick access to the Gulf of Mexico & the USInterstate highway system, the Brownsville South Padre Island International Airport has built a new 91,000 Sq Ft airport terminal inaugurated in January of 2021. The airport serves as astrategic port of entry to the S. for all international and domestic air carriers and corporateand general aviation operators.
- Port access
- The Port of Brownsville is the only deep-water port located on the S.-Mexico Border. Withapproximately 40,000 acres of land and 17 miles of waterfront access, the port offers a directroute to non-congested international bridge crossings and rail connections.
- The Port of Brownsville handles a wide variety of cargo including steel products, liquid, break bulk, and dry bulkcommodities. With the facilities and knowledge to handle international cargo, it facilitates efficient movement of goodsbetween the United States and Mexico.
One of The U.S.’s southernmost cities and the county seat for Cameron County, Brownsville, Texas is locatedat the intersection of the Rio Grande and Gulf of Mexico. A Brownsville’s economy has been basedpredominantly on its international trade with Mexico under the North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA), and now under the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA). Visits to Matamoros Industrial Parks and companies can be requested.
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